Running Into You Page 5
Even inside his underwear she could tell he was wide and long. He stepped out of his pants and kicked them aside as his lips traveled up her neck to take her mouth again. He kissed her passionately until he felt her knees go weak, then took the opportunity to move her backwards a few steps closer to the bed. Tumbling her onto the mattress, he slid her damp panties down her shapely hips. She scooted backwards to pull her body fully on the bed and Cam followed, crawling between her legs. He wedged his shoulders against her thighs, spreading her wide for his consumption.
He started with kisses, nips, then licks to soothe the sting along each side of her thighs, making her both jump and shiver. Andrea raised her head and shoulders and said on a shaky exhale, “You don’t have to…”
He glanced up and caught her eye, giving her the most intense, predatory stare she had ever gotten from a man in her life.
“I not only want to…I’ve had several dreams of doing this.”
She nodded weakly in consent and let her head fall back. Jeezus! Who was she to deny a man his dream?
Camden didn’t start slow, instead he plunged his tongue deep inside her, savoring the warm rich taste of her. He retreated to take a slow lick up either side of her clit, before finally sucking gently on the bud. He licked from her opening back up before swirling the nub with his tongue. Cam repeated variations of the process, alternating sequence and rhythm. When her breathing began to catch, he inserted two fingers and began to move them firmly within her.
That elicited a drawn-out moan from her throat. “Cam...yes!” He refocused his mouth where it was needed the most, flicking and tonguing her with abandon, which soon had her cumming around his fingers and arching up from the bed. Andrea was still riding the high of her climax, so she didn’t notice Cam hurriedly removing his last piece of clothing until he slid his body alongside hers.
She instantly wrapped her legs and arms around him. Luxuriating in the feel of them being skin-to-skin, not a shred of clothing between them. She could feel his enlarged penis on her stomach and hip, as he reached over to open his bedside drawer. She heard the crinkle of a condom and her thighs clenched in anticipation. When he sat up to sheath himself, she rained kisses on his neck and chest, even sliding down a bit to lick his nipples while her hands roamed his back.
Cam caught his fingers in her hair and pulled her head back for a ferocious kiss. He was hard as a rock and had no desire to hold back. Disentangling from her limbs, he flipped her on her stomach and she eagerly raised herself into position. Loving the feel of his hands stroking down her back, her hips, and then her buttocks as he parted her thighs. She moistened her lips, hungry for what was to come.
He eased into her with one sure and steady thrust. They both let out groans of pleasure at finally being joined. Giving himself only a few seconds to appreciate the tight, hot feel of her around him, he begin to thrust in earnest. It didn’t take long before they both became more frenzied. He slammed into her as she reared back to meet him, taking every inch he had to offer.
She arched her back downward so he could go deeper. He started hitting a spot inside her that made her feel like she was eating the sweetest strawberry! It felt so good she clutched at the bed, biting her lip though it didn’t stop her cries of satisfaction from escaping. Her breathing became shorter, more unsteady, and she was nearing another peak, when he reached around her and lightly rubbed her clit. That was all it took and she shattered, crying out, “Cam!” Her body was still shaking as he pulled out and gave her left butt-cheek a sharp smack.
“It’s not over yet baby, not yet.” He gently turned her onto her back and eased between her lax legs once more. Cam grunted as he felt the aftershocks still flowing through her as he entered. He was hanging on by a thin thread, but he wanted to look at her face when he came.
Andrea felt him begin to move within her, this time slower, his strokes long and deep. She opened her eyes and saw him watching her single-mindedly. The surface of his brow was dotted with sweat. His lips parted as he breathed hard to take in oxygen for his straining muscles. She felt her body start to respond again and her eyes went wide. She was on the verge of her third orgasm. She didn’t know if she could take it. The fire inside her started as embers, but quickly caught hold and morphed into a flame. She let her hands roam to any piece of his skin she could reach. She loved seeing his eyes start to lose focus. His thrusts become harder. She loved it! She angled up to take his lips in a kiss.
As their tongues struggled, both of their releases climbed nearer as their bodies strained to reach their goal. He shifted his weight to pin her down, pushing her legs up towards her chest as his climax neared. His strokes became jerky, his arms began to shake, as his balls tightened. When her hoarse voice uttered out his name as she quivered and clenched around him, he finally let himself cum, jerking against her, once, twice, three times, before collapsing on top of her.
Chapter Eight
The wonderful weight of man went to lift off her body, only for her legs to hug him close. She felt a kiss on her collarbone, and heard his low chuckle before he pulled away and the bed shifted. When she heard the creak of the bedroom door, she opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling. Feeling the sting at the back of her eyes, she squeezed them tight. There would be no irrational tears. Pushing curly hair off her face, she took a few deep breaths. This was moving too fast, whatever this was. My god! She hadn’t had sex this good, well ever. Body parts not used in a very long time were still tingling, still humming. The way he made her feel should be outlawed. Already, she could feel herself longing for more.
She was usually a one-and-done kind of girl, which had annoyed the men she’d dated in the past. The fact that she’d climaxed multiple times was unheard of. When had that ever happened without a vibrator? She was feeling way in over her head, one hundred percent overwhelmed. What was she supposed to do with a virtual stranger who made her body sing like this?
With a grunt of effort, she propped herself up on her elbows just as Camden walked back in, naked as the day he was born. Though surely, not as magnificently formed. She couldn’t stop her eyes from moving over him, only to find herself mortified at her frank appraisal before turning her head away.
“You like what you see, huh?” Cam asked, amused by her shyness, although not surprised.
“You could pretend not to notice me looking.”
“Why would I want to do that? I like that you like what you see.” Walking over to the dresser, Cam pulled out a t-shirt before handing it to her.
“I never said I liked it.” Andrea looked at the t-shirt that would surely be too big on her, but it was better than having a conversation naked, so she pulled it on.
Cam sat on the bed and waited until her head popped out of the shirt, catching her eye before he replied, “You liked it.” He leaned in and gave her a slow kiss.
Andrea groaned and reluctantly moved away. “Bathroom?” She murmured, before turning away to get out of bed.
“Down the hall to your left, I left the light on for you. Let me know if you need anything.”
Andrea escaped to the bathroom as quickly as her shaky legs would allow. She used the facilities and freshened up with the towels he’d thoughtfully left out for her, ignoring the twinges of discomfort, as she had more pressing problems. For the third time tonight, she was lecturing herself in a bathroom mirror.
“Okay, you can do this. So what? You had sex….great sex….fantastic sex, that doesn’t mean anything. Go back in there and just be an adult. Consenting adults sleep with each other all the time. Don’t be weird about it.”
She put her chin up proudly, intending to march back into the bedroom, but those pesky sore muscles she had ignored put a stop to that plan. Instead, she gingerly made her way back to the room. She found him dressed thankfully, in a pair of navy boxers stretched out in bed. When he noticed her, all her composure fled.
Cam saw her hand nervously playing with the end of his t-shirt. He liked having something of his on her, though he�
�d prefer her naked again. His grin grew as he imagined how he planned to coax her back to bare skin. Then he noticed her walking towards her clothes on the floor instead of back to bed.
“This was nice, but I should be going. I have to get up early tomorrow and you know…” Andrea babbled as she bent down to pick up her dress, bra, and sweater. When she only saw one of her shoes, and had no clue where her panties were, she started to panic. “This was great, I just-”
“Hey, what’s going on here?” He asked, coming off the bed, utterly confused.
“Nothing…I’m just…I don’t see my other shoe and I need to leave.”
Taking hold of her wrists, he asked, “Baby, what’s wrong?” She looked up at him with thinly veiled panic in her eyes, so he asked again. “What’s wrong? Talk to me.” He shook her clothing loose from her hands and led her over to sit on the edge of the bed.
Andrea wanted to sink through the floor at her idiotic behavior. Instead, she pulled it together and did what she should have done from the start, used her words like a grown-ass woman. Words were her livelihood for goodness sake! She was the one who acknowledged a problem, assessed it, formulated solutions for it, and then had to convince bull-headed men that her ideas were valid. There was no reason she couldn’t do the same in this situation. Scooting out of his arms, because she needed the physical distance, she addressed the worried man at her side.
“I’m so sorry that I freaked out on you. You did nothing to deserve that.”
“It’s okay. I just want to make sure you’re all right.”
“I’m fine…that’s not quite true.” Breathing deeply, she continued. “I want to say up front that I enjoyed everything that we did together tonight. Everything. I was right there with you, every step of the way. The sex we just had was frankly amazing for me.”
His shoulders relaxed a bit, and he gave her a small smile. “That’s a good thing, right?”
“It would be, if I wasn’t me.” Frowning, she reached out to hold his hand. “I don’t normally move so fast when it comes to taking a relationship to a physical level. No, let me rephrase. I’ve never had such an intense physical reaction to a man so quickly. We barely know each other.”
“I had no clue the evening would end like this either. Trust me, this was only in my wildest dreams.”
“I believe you. I just think it would be better if I went home.”
“I don’t understand. We just established this is uncharted sexual territory for both of us, but that’s no reason for you to leave.” He reached up to palm her face and just like in the car, she found herself automatically leaning into it. “Why can’t we have fun figuring it out together?”
He kissed her slowly, but it didn’t take long for the intensity to build for both of them. When he grabbed the back of her neck and started to lean her backwards, Andrea broke away and pushed at his chest.
“Now see, this is why I have to leave. If I stay, you’ll want to be together again. Hell, I will too. I don’t know how you’ll take this, and I’ll actually understand if you’re upset, but this is too much for me. I want…I’d like to back it up some.”
“You want to back it up?” Cam ran a hand over his head. “What exactly does that mean? Spell it out for me.”
“I want to still talk to you, see you, spend time with you like tonight.” She flushed and hurried on. “I mean tonight before we had sex. I want to continue to date and get to know you. I know it’s a lot to ask…taking the sex out after the fact, but that’s where I’m at right now.”
Cam was quiet as he tried to comprehend what she was asking for. Hell and bells! Did she understand what she was asking him to do? It was hard enough not going crazy thinking about her when he hadn’t known what she felt like, looked like, and tasted like. He was getting hard again just thinking about it. This was like asking a crackhead to magically forget the pipe.
This time, he rubbed his hand down his face before focusing back on her. What he saw was a woman whose lips were still swollen from their kisses, who had love bites on her neck and upper chest. Her eyes were already resigned, even though he hadn’t said a word yet. If she only knew how confused he was feeling. One thing he did know was that he wasn’t going to back away. Yeah, fuck that. If she’d wanted to get rid of him, she should have never let him taste the sweetness between her thick thighs. Before she could speak, he held up a hand and asked, “So, let me get this straight. You’ll let me take you out on legit dates?”
“We’ll continue to call, text, and email like we’ve been doing?”
“But you don’t want to have sex again?
Now she hesitated. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying.”
“For how long?”
“Well…I don’t know.” She threw her hands up in frustration. “I swear I’m not one of those women who count the days or go by some stupid ninety-day rule. It could be a couple of weeks or a couple of months. I honestly don’t know when I’ll be comfortable…” She waved at the bed. “Doing this again.”
He grew silent. Assessing and thinking, before he finally said, “Okay.”
“Okay?” Was she hearing him right?
“Yeah. No sex until you do what you did tonight and explicitly ask me for it.”
“You’re okay with this?”
“Let’s say I can live with it…for as long as you can. However, everything outside of sex is on the table though.”
“Meaning?” It was Andrea’s turn for clarity.
“Meaning, we’ll cuddle…you women like that right? We’ll fool around when the mood hits both of us. Just like you wanted, taking it back, but not back to square one. We’ll be two folks dating…hoping to eventually have sex with each other.”
Andrea searched his face, looking for the catch but he seemed to be serious and sincere. “That…works for me.”
“Good!” He gave her one of his playful smiles. “That’s settled. Now, let’s get some sleep. The last sex I may ever have with you, wore me out.”
“I…still think I should go home.” After all when he smiled at her like that, she wanted to drop her drawers, not that she had any on. At this rate, she’d be asking him to take her before the sun rose.
“Andrea, it’s well past two in the morning. I’d worry about you driving home this late. We’re two tired adults, we can share a bed and get some sleep.”
She hesitated, but then all at once, the adrenaline her panic attack had afforded her evaporated and left her feeling tired and achy. She trusted the man in front of her with her physical safety. It was her mental state that she always worried about with him. “You are absolutely right Camden, I’ll stay.”
“I liked it better when you were calling me Cam,” he said huskily.
This surprised a laugh out of her, and she pushed him off the bed. “Whatever, Camden. Why don’t you get the lights? Which side of the bed do you normally sleep on?”
Cam scooped up their clothing, still littered on the floor and tossed them on a chair in the corner before moving to the light switch. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll take whatever side is next to you.”
“You are incorrigible!”
Andrea couldn’t believe how happy she felt right now, as the room blinked into darkness. He hadn’t turned her away or lashed out at her for wanting to slow things down. She finally scooted under the light summer bedcover, and soon after felt his weight on the mattress. He got close enough to drape an arm around her waist from behind, but not so close that his full body was touching hers. She relaxed, and sighing with contentment, was asleep before her brain could think of much else.
Chapter Nine
She didn’t wake up in the same position that she had fallen asleep in. Camden was wrapped around her better than any blanket, and the warmth of him felt delicious. As the fog of sleep cleared, she wondered how he would handle the morning hard-on currently pressing into her back. She could think of a few things she’d like to do with it. She tried t
o scoot away and heard him shift. She shook his arm to wake him before trying to move away again.
“Camden? Let go.” She heard him grumble and finally felt him loosen his grip. She scooted up in bed as he finally opened his eyes.
“Good morning, Ms. Cole.”
“Morning.” Did his morning voice have to be sexy as hell too?
“What time is it?”
She looked at the bedside clock. “Umm, about ten minutes to ten.”
“Good, we still got time to go to the Coney. They serve breakfast up to eleven.” Cam turned away from her to roll out of bed. He couldn’t look at her for long or he might make a grab for her.
“I don’t need breakfast. I can just head home.”
“Not this again. Look, I’m taking you to breakfast before you leave. You can grab a quick shower in the bathroom up here. I’ll use the one downstairs. Towels are in the hall closet. There’s probably even an extra toothbrush in there if you want it. You gone need something for your hair, or what?”
Andrea closed her mouth at his high-handed orders and put a hand in her hair. “Umm…no, as long as you have an adjustable shower head, I should be fine.”
“Good. Try not to take too long. We don’t want to miss the cut-off.”
He was gone out the door before she could think of anything else to say. She was a little miffed at him ordering her around, but then again, she was hungry and she’d promised the man she’d act normal and let him take her out on dates. Honestly, she’d expected his tune to change with the light of day. She had been prepared for him to get rid of her as fast as he could. Then of course, the calls and emails would eventually dry up and she’d never hear from him again. Instead, it seemed like he meant his words from last night. He actually wanted to continue their fledgling relationship. That made a little spot in her chest feel tight.