Running Into You Read online

Page 6

  After using the bathroom, she took a ten-minute shower, more to soothe her muscles than anything else. She brushed her teeth and left her hair to worry about after she got dressed. Going back into the bedroom, she found her clothes laid neatly out on the bed, her purse from downstairs was there as well. He’d even managed to find her other shoe and panties, bless his heart. He was being thoughtful again, as apparently was his way. She sighed, put on her clothes, and found a couple of bobby pins in her purse to put her hair in mild order. She finished with some lipstick, and felt more in control. Picking up her purse, she went downstairs to start this new chapter in their relationship.

  * * *

  She had won the argument to drive herself to the Coney a couple of miles away, where they’d had a surprisingly relaxed breakfast. They had parted ways close to noon with a hug, a brief kiss and a promise from him to call her tomorrow. Right now, she was too tired and full of food to let her neurosis about would he call take over. She just wanted her bed! Coming through her back door, she kicked off her shoes, locked up, grabbed her phone and immediately went to her bedroom.

  Not all her aches were from the glorious sex she’d had. Some were from all that dancing in heels. It was another reminder that she wasn’t as young as she used to be…or that she needed to work out more. Probably both. Undressing quickly she threw on a nightshirt and flopped flat on the bed. Rolling over, she went to set an alarm on her phone for three in the afternoon, when she noticed the five texts from Mika. She went back and opened up the first from last night.

  Mika: What ya’ll doing? You didn’t run away yet did you?

  Mika: You better not blow it. He is fine, funny and nice…and fine!

  Mika: Oh so you just gone ignore me after I hooked you up? You petty

  Chuckling after reading the ones from last night she moved to the two from this morning.

  Mika: OMG did he kidnap you? You betta be tied up somewhere…against your will…to not be answering me

  Mika: I’m legit worried, you don’t even know him that well! If you breathing you better respond before I call the police on his fine ass

  Andrea sat up in bed, as Mika had sent that one only thirty minutes ago. Wanting to laugh yet touched by the concern, she rushed to text back.

  Andrea: So now you concerned that I don’t know him that well? Didn’t stop you from leaving me alone with him last night did it?

  Mika: Heffa you alive! Call me!

  Andrea: No

  As she expected, her phone rang ten seconds later. She sent it to voicemail and got under the covers, only to get another text.

  Mika: Just so you know, I’m gone hurt you next time I see you

  Andrea: I’ll call you tomorrow promise

  Mika: Kay…I want thesis level details when you do bye

  Grinning, Andrea tossed her phone aside and welcomed sleep.

  Refreshed by the time she woke up on Sunday morning, she tackled the chores she’d been too lazy to do on Saturday. Between loads of laundry, she’d called her parents as per her usual routine, reminding them she was excited about seeing them in a few months for Christmas. They were a small, but close-knit family, as she was an only child. She loved them and even though they only lived five hours away in Cincinnati, she didn’t visit that often. She was living her life and they were living theirs. She saw them an average of four or five times a year, which wasn’t that bad. They had been empty nesters for a decade and in the last few years, had started pestering her about when the grandkids were coming.

  Surprisingly it was mostly from her dad! She had a suspicion he worried about her being alone without a man more than he was jonesing for a grandchild. Thankfully, they were not too annoying with the “when are you getting a man and settling down” routine, but it was brought up each time she went home. She wondered if she would have anything to tell them at the end of this year? Would Camden still be in the picture?

  He had indeed called her as promised, full of his laid-back manner. He honestly didn’t seem upset about their no-sex arrangement. She had fully expected him to bolt. Men seemed to think that sex was automatic with almost all male/female interactions. She blamed it on all the hook-up apps. They were literally there to get you a “hook-up” at any time of the day. If you were bored and wanted company, there were apps to find someone who was close by. Men had lost the art of waiting or working for it.

  Although, as she had told him, this wasn’t a test or some pre-determined time frame she had in mind. She was falling fast for him and that was her problem. She hadn’t been in love…well since her last failed relationship several years ago. Frankly, this felt different and whatever it was, it scared her on a deeper level. Yet she was drawn to him, even when the safe thing would be to stay away. Luckily for her Camden didn’t seem to be going anywhere…for now. They had plans to have lunch on Wednesday and she was looking forward to it. Sighing, she saw that it was almost six and decided to call Mika before it got late.

  Mika answered after a few rings. “Hey, there she is! Ms. I’m gone ignore my best friend.”

  “Whatever. What you doing?”

  “Drinking wine.”

  “It’s only six o’clock.”

  “Which means it’s after five, so what’s your point?”

  “Touché, you right.”

  “You know I got to prepare for the work week. Anyway, stop stalling. What happened after I left?”

  “I slept with him,” Andrea blurted out and had to snatch the phone from her ear, as she heard sputtering and cursing. “You okay?”

  “Damn it, you made me spit red wine all over my white couch!”

  “I told you not to get that couch. You are too messy to have white furniture.”

  “That’s why they made stain guard and I paid for it. Won’t help my shirt though.” Mika was already in the kitchen grabbing paper towel. She decided to just take the whole roll with her. “Now, back up. I left you with the man who you almost refused to see, and you end up sleeping with him? Walk me through that progression.”

  Andrea walked her through the club and gave her an abridged version of the car and ended with her asking to go inside.

  “You go girl! I’m so proud of you! So, was it good?”

  “Mika…it was…fantastic! The best I’ve ever had.”

  Her admission left Mika silent on the other end, until she finally said, “Well, damn…no wonder you were out of commission. I’d do a slow clap, if I didn’t have this glass in my hand. Matter of fact, I need another drink, because I’m getting worked up imagining sex that good.”

  Andrea hesitated, but who else could she talk to about this? “I uh…told him I wanted to slow down. That I didn’t want to have sex again for a while.”

  Mika spit out another mouthful of wine. What the hell had she just heard? She reached for the paper towel again as she tried to understand what was wrong with her friend.

  Andrea heard more cursing from afar, like the phone had been thrown down. “Hello? What are you doing over there?”

  “Apparently, wasting all this good wine. I am so glad I don’t have carpet. Now, what in the hell are you doing? You have the best sex ever, and we established before it’s been a long time since you had any. Even longer, than your last date. And the first thing you do is tell him you don’t want any more? Did he think you were crazy as hell, cause I do.”

  “I know it’s weird. You have to understand, what he made me feel in the bedroom was unexpected. We connected in more than a sexual way. I’m basically freaking out over here! Mika…I think I’m catching feelings…like big time feelings and I’ve only been talking to him for two weeks.”

  “Oh. I didn’t see that coming. You don’t catch feelings easily. Hmm…how did he take your reversal on sex? I mean, is he still in the picture at this point?”

  “Yeah he is, and that’s freaking me out too. He took it very well. He forced me out for breakfast the morning after. Called me like he said he would today and we already have plans for the middle of the

  “And he’s not acting mad?” Mika asked, disbelieving.

  “No, he’s acting normal. A little flirtier than he was beforehand, but the same.”


  “I know.”

  “So, you telling me,” Mika paused for effect. “That he might actually be a ‘good’ guy?” They had a running joke for the last few years that all the good guys were far and few in-between or married.

  “Yeah…I think he might be,” Andrea said quietly. This was problematic, because real good guys had the potential to break her heart.

  * * *

  It was two weeks later, on a Friday in the second week of October, when Cam walked through the restaurant to meet Robert.

  “Look at that, you made it! Not brushing me off tonight I see.” Robert decided to do a little fishing as Cam sat down. “Surprised you not seeing your girl today.”

  “Naw, we hitting a movie tomorrow night.”

  “Okay. Glad to see the streak of actual dates continue.”

  Cam just ignored him, looking over the menu.

  “Are you sleeping with her yet?”

  Cam jerked his eyes up from the menu to look at Robert for a moment. He halfway opened his mouth, then just shook his head and went back to reviewing the menu.

  “Well?” Robert pushed, partly to annoy Cam and partly because he wanted to know.

  “It’s…complicated.” Cam attempted to change the subject. “What are you going to order?”

  Robert tossed his menu aside, letting Cam know that he wasn’t about to be put off the subject. “What does that mean, complicated? Usually the answer is a simple “yes” or “no”. Yes, I hit that or naw, I haven’t hit it yet. Which one is it?”

  It was Cam’s turn to toss his menu down and glower across the table. He didn’t like Robert’s tone. “It’s the ‘none of your damn business’ one. Drop it.”

  The two friends started at each other, Cam on the verge of being upset and Robert bemused, yet stubborn. Finally, Robert shrugged his shoulders like he didn’t have a care in the world. “O-kay…whatever works. I’m gone try this Marco Polo burger and get a drink. What you drinking? I got you.”

  The tension in Cam’s shoulders relaxed and he sat back in his chair, picking up the menu. In the language of men, offering to buy a drink was the equivalent of an apology. He accepted, as he wasn’t quite sure why Robert’s teasing had bothered him so much in the first place.

  Robert moved the conversation away from Andrea, yet in his mind he was mildly concerned. He got the message loud and clear that things were serious with her and Cam. He just didn’t think Cam understood how serious. Cam had never gotten this upset due to regular ribbing over a woman. Nor had he ever been shy about sharing basic sexual information. While they were old enough not to go into detail about their sexual exploits, they’d never held back the simple answer of whether or not they were sleeping with someone. Add that to his ambiguous answer of “it’s complicated”, and Robert just hoped his friend knew what he was doing.

  Chapter Ten

  Cam slung the towel around his neck, walking up from the basement after his workout. He was working out more than usual for two reasons. One, it was almost the end of October and he was trying to get an early start on keeping in shape during the winter months to come. After all, he could actually do something about winter fat. His second reason was a whole lot harder to manage.

  Andrea weighed on his mind during the day and especially the nights. Working out was a way to expel the pent up sexual energy he had. In the month since their night together they regularly saw each other several times a week. Wednesday had become their standard day for a lunch outing. While Friday or Saturday, and sometimes both, were their date night, most weeknights they talked on the phone as well. On days they didn’t speak, a text message conversation usually took place.

  Since he saw or spoke to her all the time now, that wasn’t the problem. The problem was his body hadn’t gotten the memo that there was no sex to be had. Mentally, he didn’t have a problem with her decision. While he didn’t understand completely why she wanted to end the scorching sex they could be having, he respected her choice. Physically, he just couldn’t seem to get the message. To be fair, he was just a man after all, who had tasted what was now forbidden, and damn if he didn’t want to taste it again.

  He’d kept his promise not to push but he sure as hell did his best to ramp up the mood enough so that she’d want him back in her bed. He touched her as much as possible, regardless of where they were. He held her hand, stroked her waist, and kissed her cheek whenever he could get away with it. In private, they often spent time before or after a date chilling at each other’s houses. This usually resulted in a make-out session that could be as tame as kisses or exciting as bare skin with hot hands and tongues. Really, was there any wonder his libido was confused?

  Just as he’d told Robert a couple of weeks ago, it was complicated. He was in a rough spot sexually and mentally. He’d thought a lot about the “almost” argument he’d had with his friend, and finally figured out why the regular guy talk had bothered him. Simple answer…it was Andrea. She was different. He’d known almost from the start but hadn’t wanted to admit it. If he had only cared about getting in her pants, most likely he would be gone by now.

  However with her, he wanted more than just sex. He wanted her to come to him, certain in both mind and body. He couldn’t…wouldn’t put a name to it…not quite yet. He’d sent flowers to her job the Monday after they’d slept together, not to get in her good graces but because he felt she deserved them. The one thing he knew clearly, was that he wanted her in his life. His days were better and lighter when he teased her serious personality into a laugh or a smile.

  He also enjoyed the conversations they had, whether they were about politics, current events, or debating taste in music. Simply put, he liked her. He didn’t begrudge any time he could spend with her, sex or no sex. He justified not telling his best friend any of this because he didn’t think he’d understand. Robert was more rigid in how he handled relationships with women. It was usually on his terms or nothing at all. He wouldn’t understand why Cam was more than willing to be flexible and do whatever it took to win Andrea for good.

  * * *

  Halloween fell on a Tuesday this year and Andrea had almost completely forgotten about it. She wasn’t really into costumes, whether they be on kids or adults, but she didn’t hate the holiday either. The best part of it for her, was watching scary movies. She had tried handing out candy the first year she’d had her house. She’d never do that again! In her neighborhood, the procession of kids seemed to never stop. She had run out of her generous supply of candy within two hours! Today, she was just happy to be walking into her house at a quarter to six. She made sure her porch light was off, before shucking her shoes and heading to the bedroom to undress.

  She had talked to Camden while driving home, after he’d made sure that she was using her hands-free speaker.

  “What you got planned for tonight?” He’d asked.

  “Absolutely nothing. Might watch some of my fav horror movies but that’s it. What about you. You doing trick or treating?”

  He’d laughed before answering. “Yeah, I plan to do a little treating tonight.”

  “But no tricks huh?”

  “Well now, that all depends on who’s asking?”

  “You a mess!”

  “Yeah, but you like it. Look, let me let you go. I got a couple of more errands to run. You have a good night.”

  “Okay. You too.”

  She’d arrived home not long after they hung up. Now an half an hour later and fresh out the shower, she poured herself a glass of wine and went to pick out a few movies. She would figure out what to eat after. She’d just pulled out the 2004 Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later movies, when she heard her doorbell ring.

  “Who in the heck? I swear, it better not be some teenager. They know what the light being out means
.” Placing the movies on the table, she walked irritably to the door. The thought to ignore it ran through her head, but the bell rang again and she was annoyed enough that she wanted to give whoever it was a piece of her mind.

  “Don’t you see my light is off?” She was already saying as she jerked open the front door.

  “I noticed. I actually almost tripped up your steps because of it.”


  “I brought you a treat.” He held up a large pizza box in one hand, a six pack of brew and a plastic bag in the other. When she just looked at him with her mouth open, he added, “Can I come in?”

  “You…I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Come on…it ruins the treat if I can’t even get in the door.”

  “Yeah, come in. I really thought you were some kid being a smart ass.” She backed up and let him in before following him into the living room. “What are you doing here?”

  “Thought I’d surprise you with dinner. I was hoping I could watch some movies with you.” He saw the uncertain look on her face. “Or not.” He placed the pizza and beer on the table. “I can drop off the goodies and leave…though I’m taking the beer with me.”

  “No, no. You can stay, it just caught me off guard. I’m not even dressed.” She fluttered her hand to her head, her hair already wrapped in a black scarf.

  After all, she hadn’t been planning on going anywhere for the rest of the night, nor had she been expecting visitors. She’d put on some shape-hugging joggers for warmth and a purple, long-sleeved breast cancer awareness shirt, from a walk she’d participated in earlier in the month.

  Ahh, Cam thought to himself. She was reluctant about him seeing her in her chill mode clothes. To date, he’d only seen her in after work or date ensembles. Even the few times they’d did Netflix and chill, she hadn’t been dressed this causally. With just the plastic bag in his hand, he walked over to her and gave her a kiss.